Writing and Publications


Oyer, M. (2023). Ethics without ethics: A review of “Psychosis and extreme states: An ethic for treatment” by Bret Fimiani. European Journal of Psychoanalysis, 10. Retrievable from: https://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/articles/book-review-essay-ethics-without-ethics-a-review-psychosis-and-extreme-states-an-ethic-for-treatment-by-bret-fimiani/

Oyer, M. (2022). Introduction of special issue on Community Psychoanalysis. Division / Review, 28, p. 11. Retrievable from: https://issuu.com/divisionreview/docs/dr_28_winter_2022

Oyer, M. (2022). Interview with Kirkland Vaughans and Martha Bragin. Division / Review, 28, 12-15. Retrievable from: https://issuu.com/divisionreview/docs/dr_28_winter_2022

Oyer, M. (2022). On writing a circle. Division / Review, 27, 29-30. Retrievable from: https://div39members.wildapricot.org/resources/DR_Issue27_Summer.pdf

Oyer, M. & Robcis, C. (2021). On disalienation: Philosophy and radical psychiatry in postwar France (Interview with Camille Robcis). Division / Review, 25, 4-7. Retrievable from: https://issuu.com/divisionreview/docs/dr2022_25pages_2

Oyer, M. (2020). Dear Emma. Reading from Emma Lieber’s The Writing Cure book release. New York. November 21, 2020. Retrievable from: Dear Emma

Oyer, M.  (2019). Kairos: Redux.  Reading from Rendering unconscious: Psychoanalytic perspectives, politics, and poetry book release.  New York. June 15, 2019.  Retrievable from: http://dasunbehagen.org/matthew-oyer-kairos-redux/

Oyer, M.  (2019). Wounded dramatization: Bataille, hysteria, psychoanalysis.  In V. Sinclair (Ed.), Rendering unconscious: Psychoanalytic perspectives, politics, and poetry (pp. 215-224)Stockholm: Trapart Books. https://store.trapart.net/books/167-rendering-unconscious-pre-order.html

Oyer, M.  (2019). Notes on kairos and the psychoanalytic act.  In V. Sinclair (Ed.), Rendering unconscious: Psychoanalytic perspectives, politics, and poetry (pp. 348-354)Stockholm: Trapart Books.  https://store.trapart.net/books/167-rendering-unconscious-pre-order.html

 Oyer, M.  (2018). Fidelity and invention: Review of Sergio Benvenuto’s “What Are Perversions?  Sexuality, Ethics, Psychoanalysis.” Sitegeist, 13.  Retrievable from: http://www.the-site.org.uk/sitegeist/spring-2018/fidelity-and-invention-review-what-are-perversions-sexuality-ethics-psychoanalysis-by-sergio-benvenuto-karnac-2016/

Oyer, M.  (2017). In search of a minor place: Review of 'The Political Self: Understanding the Social Context of Mental Illness.  Division / Review, 16, 20-21.  Retrievable from: https://div39members.wildapricot.org/DR-Home/5009429

Oyer, M.  (2016). The Other wants more: Review of Brian Robertson's 'Lacanian Antiphilosophy and the Problem of Anxiety.'  European Journal of Psychoanalysis. 

Oyer, M.  (2015). Hysteria and the psychoanalytic act.  European Journal of Psychoanalysis.  Retrievable from: https://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/articles/hysteria-and-the-psychoanalytic-act/

 Doctoral Dissertation: Let Fall: Hysteria and the Psychoanalytic Act.  Retrievable from: https://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/761/

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